Bloodstained Wiki

Purely decorative wings. Pair with an impure decolletage.

The Vampiric Wings is an Accessory in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. It is part of the paid DLC "Succubus Cosmetic Pack", available from Update v.1.5.


Wearing the Vampiric Wings gives relatively low defense stats, CON +2 and MND +2, but most importantly, it also has a big penalty of LCK -5. Since RNGs play a high role in Ritual of the Night's gameplay (for item drops and other things), it is advisable to remove this Accessory when farming enemies for their items, or to only wear it when fighting bosses and difficult enemies.

On the other hand, this can be counteracted by wearing the complete "Succubus" set (Vampiric Wig, Vampiric Skinsuit, Vampiric Wings and Vampiric Choker), which besides giving a secret additional LCK +10 bonus, it also gives STR +20, which is a huge physical power bonus.



  • Wearing the Vampiric Wings along with the rest of the "Succubus" set (Vampiric Wig, Vampiric Skinsuit and Vampiric Choker) will make the HUD to produce a blood red aura adorned with constant lightning bolts, and Miriam's portrait will change to her Succubus persona.
    • Wearing the complete set gives an additional STR +20 and LCK +10.



  • The "Succubus Cosmetic Pack" may be a reference to the Succubus from the Castlevania series, a type of recurring enemies that sometimes play more relevant roles in the products they appear in.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Part of the "Succubus Cosmetic Pack" included in Update v.1.5.