Bloodstained Wiki

Chinese noodles in tonkotsu broth.
A rich flavor you'll learn to crave.

The Tonkotsu Ramen is a Food item in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Tonkotsu Ramen is prepared through Johannes' alchemy menu in Arvantville, requiring Chinese Noodles ×1, Tonkotsu Broth ×1, Plume Pork ×1, and Moco Leek ×1. Ramen/R would also need to be retrieved from the Oriental Sorcery Lab late in the game. After Tonkotsu Ramen is first prepared, it will be sold at Dominique's supply post for 1,000G.

Chinese Noodles are bought for 200G after crafting them from Flour ×1 and Baking Soda ×1. Plume Porks and Moco Leeks are easily dropped by Plume Parmas and Moco Weeds, respectively, early in Garden of Silence.

Tonkotsu Broth (which is only used in this recipe) is an 800G ingredient that first appears in the shop after crafting that through its own set of ingredients: Plume Pork ×2 from Plume Parmas and Fey Leaf ×2 from the same Moco Weeds, Ginger ×1 found in blue chests in the Garden of Silence and early in the Towers of Twin Dragons, and Garlic ×1 found in blue chests in the later, post-Reflector Ray portion of Livre Ex Machina.

Every ingredient involved in a from-scratch preparation of Tonkotsu Ramen can be collected long before you reach its Recipe Book in Oriental Sorcery Lab.


Tonkotsu Ramen is a food consumable, restoring 250 HP whenever used and giving a permanent bonus of +20 Max MP, +5 CON, and +3.00% EXP gain when first eaten. It both costs exactly as much and restores exactly as much as a High Potion, but because it is a meal, up to 99 of it can be carried at a time.
