Bloodstained Wiki

The ultimate tome. Equivalent to the Prowess, Tailwind, and Mastery Tomes.

The Tome of Conquest is a Tome in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


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  • The description of the Tome of Conquest is incomplete, as it also includes the effects of the Tactician's Tome by increasing EXP intake by 20%.
  • Unlocks the Orlok Dracule secret boss fight in the Glacial Tomb. While carrying this Tome, enter the first boss room of this area (up and left from the Warp Room) to commence the boss fight.
    • After O.D. has been defeated, visit him again at his library in the Livre Ex Machina and then he'll allow the player to borrow all 21 Tomes without any restrictions.
    • Also, after O.D. has been defeated, he'll be wearing the Nose Glasses for the rest of the game.