Bloodstained Wiki

Armor so tough that its name claims a shield is unnecessary.

The Tatenashi is a Body Armor in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


The Tatenashi is the ultimate Body Armor for protection against all types of physical attacks. It gives a whooping DEF +52, making it the armor that gives the highest value of this stat of all body armors in the game, and it also has resistances against Slash, Strike and Thrust all by +10. It doesn't provide any defenses against magical or elemental attacks, though.

It is also an end-of-game item, as some of its required crafting Materials can only be obtained –or the means to get them– in the Glacial Tomb, the final area of the game, like the rare Orichalcum or the Warhorse's Key to fight the Revenant and get the Imbrued Skull.

