Bloodstained Wiki

Call forth a... chair? and set it down.

Summon Chair is a Conjure Shard in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Miriam summons a chair that she can use to sit on. This chair provides a multiplier to Miriam's MP regeneration when sat in. Multiple chairs can be spawned at a time. A spawned chair will remain on the field for about 12 seconds and then crumble. If a chair is spawned on an uneven floor, it may drop and become non-usable. Likewise, Miriam's currently summoned Familiar may get in the way of the spawning chair and also make it drop, becoming useless.

Increasing the Rank of this Shard allows for Miriam to summon different chair types. Costs 20 MP.



Rank: More chair types.


  • There is a currently known bug in which, while sitting in the chair, MP regeneration will lose its boost until the player leaves and sits again.

