Bloodstained Wiki
STR affects your physical attack power,
while INT influences magical attack power.
~ Loading tip from Ritual of the Night

Strength, abbreviated as STR, is a statistic featured in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. The Strength a player character has determines how much damage they can deal to enemies with an equipped weapon of choice.


The Strength (STR) statistic is a numerical representation of the player character's own developed strength during the course of the game, which increases as they acquire Experience (EXP) and level up, allowing them to swing their weapons with greater force and thus inflict more damage to enemies.

Increasing the STR stat directly affects the player's Attack (ATK) stat value, increasing it as well. At some points, however, even if the STR stat is receiving a bonus (e.g.: by equipping a piece of gear that slightly boosts STR), the ATK stat may remain at its same base value. Nonetheless, the ATK stat will usually receive the respective bonus after the player has leveled up. On the other hand, equipping a piece of gear that greatly boosts STR will generally also notably increase the ATK stat. In this regard, STR can be considered to be a counterpart of the Constitution (CON) stat, just focusing in raising ATK instead of Defense (DEF).

As with all stats, the STR stat will increase each time the player levels up (generally by 1 point). Additionally, as mentioned, the player can artificially further increase this stat by equipping gear or by using shards that boost STR.

Strength may also be considered to be a counterpart of the Intelligence (INT) stat, which instead affects damage dealt with magical attacks.

In Bloodless Mode, Bloodless can increase her STR by finding shards of Blood of Brutality in addition to leveling up.
