Bloodstained Wiki

A breastplate lined with sharp spikes that injure whoever touches them.

The Spiked Breastplate is a Body Armor in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


While not providing a noteworthy high protection by the point in the game when it can first be acquired, giving only DEF +36, the Spiked Breastplate is a great armor to equip, especially during exploration sessions. As its description states, it will injure whoever touches the player. While this damage is minimal, it may help in instantly killing the weakest enemies of the game (Bats, Toads, etc.), allowing the player to ignore them for the most part. On the other hand, it will at least deal some minor damage to stronger enemies, which could help Miriam in defeating them more easily if they managed to hit her.

In addition to this, when this armor is equipped, any candles the player touches will be automatically destroyed. This will make exploration way more versatile, as the player can just run around without having to stop to destroy each candle, while at the same time, generally keeping them with a good amount of resources, like high MP from all the Mana Roses they'll automatically collect, as well as all the Gold automatically collected.

A Spiked Breastplate can be found in the Secret Sorcery Lab, inside a green chest at the end of the room with the tall spiked walls. The player can use diverse means to reach it, like for example, by usage of the Reflector Ray. However, due to its aforementioned traits, they may also opt to craft it first instead in order to benefit from it earlier (×2 Platinum, ×4 Demon Fang).



  • This armor has the exact same function as the Spiked Armor from the Castlevania series, and its addition to the game was likely inspired by it.