Bloodstained Wiki
Mephisto's Stone bloodstained ritual of the night

Save Rooms[1] are a gameplay mechanic in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. They are special rooms scattered throughout various areas of the game (mainly inside the Hellhold) where the player can fully restore both their HP and MP, as well as save their progress.


A large room with a long baroque couch at its center where the player can rest their weariness. The player can sit on it by pressing ↑ on either the directional pad or the left thumbstick, at which point both their HP and MP bars will be fully restored, get instantly cured of all their status ailments, and also be prompted if they want to save their progress. When Miriam sits down on the couch, she says: "yossha" (よっしゃ), which roughly translates to "okay" or "alright".

Classic II: Dominique's Curse features Temples, which are adorned with a small version of the same demon statue and likewise restore HP and allow the player to save. However, unlike the main game's Save Rooms, they do not restore MP. Some Temples also contain a chest with an item such as a Horus Eye. Temples can be found in towns and at the entrances to boss dungeons.

These rooms contain no enemies or hazards of any kind.



  • The overall characteristics and usage of these rooms are based on the Save Rooms from the Castlevania franchise, which serve exactly the same purpose.
  • The demon statue behind the couch is carved in the likeness of Mephisto, a boss encountered in Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2.
  • The majority of the journal entries are found in front of Save Room doorways, possibly to subtly guide the player in an unfamiliar area.

See also[]


  1. Referred to as "Save Room" in the "Generate Seed" screen of Randomizer Mode.