Bloodstained Wiki

In Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, many of the items the player can either craft or prepare at Johannes's laboratory in Arvantville will not be visible or selectable until the corresponding Recipe Books are acquired in specific chests. See Alchemy Notes for a master list of item crafts that are unlocked as each book is collected.

List of Recipe Books[]

Recipe Description Recipes unlocked Location
Healing Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Fine Healing Item/R
A recipe for a fine healing item. High Potion
High Ether
In a chest that lies in plain sight in the 2×2 room, just in front of a Save Room off the room's upper right. The lower-left doorway connects to a Warp Room, and the upper-left doorway connects to the boss battle hall with Zangetsu.
Healing Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Ultimate Healing Item/R
A recipe for the ultimate healing item. Ex Potion
Ex Ether
Unicorn Ring
Hall of Termination
In a chest in the southeast 2×2 room, just above the southeast Save Room in the zone.
Healing Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Faerie Healing Item/R
A recipe for a faerie healing item. Faerie Medicine
Faerie Elixir
Faerie Allheal
Faerie Panacea
Garden of Silence
In a chest in the top-right corner of the 3×2 outdoor room with the piano. Reaching it without the help of any of the later movement-enhancing shards requires jumping across the tops of the stone archways from the upper-left doorway to the upper-right corner without dropping, which requires some tricky pinpoint jumping.
Ammunition Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Elemental Ammunition/R
A recipe for ammunition imbued with elemental magic. Flame Rounds ×9
Ice Rounds ×9
Thunder Rounds ×9
Forbidden Underground Waterway
In a chest in a 1×3 cave left of the 1×5 cave at the upper-right part of the Waterway area, shortly after dropping into the area from the Garden of Silence. Requires Double Jump to reach.
Ammunition Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Special Ammunition/R
A recipe for ammunition imbued with special effects. Weaponbane Rounds ×9
Shieldbane Rounds ×9
Poison Rounds ×9
Petrifying Rounds ×9
Curse Rounds ×9
Towers of Twin Dragons
Found in a chest at the top of the left tower, a short ways right from the Warp Room. You unavoidably pass by this chest on your way to the eastern tower and its eventual boss fight.
Ammunition Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Potent Ammunition/R
A recipe for potent ammunition. Scattershot ×9
Critical Rounds ×9
Hidden Desert
In a chest in a cave room above a sandfall falling into the equally small cave-like room below, at the midpoint between the Hidden Desert's Warp Room and the south Warp Room of Forbidden Underground Waterway far to the west. Requires Invert/High Jump.
Ammunition Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Ultimate Ammunition/R
A recipe for the ultimate ammunition. Uses diamond. Diamond Bullets ×9 Inferno Cave
In a chest in a cave above the Warp Room and Save Room, reached after winning Invert from the boss nearby.
Equipment Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Steel Equipment/R
A recipe for steel equipment. Harpé
Spiral Sword
Steel Breastplate
Forbidden Underground Waterway
In a chest in a 2×1 cave just northeast of the Save Room, a fair distance west from the large waterfall area.
Equipment Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Obsidian Equipment/R
A recipe for obsidian equipment. Ulfberht Sword
Garden of Silence
In a chest that lies along the bottom of the massive outdoor area, underneath the Coachman and left of the iron maiden that blocks your way to the Beast Beret chest.
Equipment Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Damascus Equipment/R
A recipe for Damascus equipment. Murgleis
Steam Boots
Duelist's Guard
Underground Sorcery Lab
In a chest in a room off the upper-right corner of the 2×2 room just before the boss hallway. It might seem at first that the Reflector Ray shard awarded by the boss does not reach far enough that you can aim diagonally upward to the right from the wooden ledge to place yourself onto the open exit into the room. However, it is possible to "Double Jump" from the end point of the Reflector Ray by pressing jump the very moment Miriam reappears at the end of the beam.
Equipment Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Gold Equipment/R
A recipe for gold equipment. Kaladanda
Main Gauche
Gold Breastplate
Flame Mail
Livre Ex Machina
In a chest in a 2×3 room shortly above the Warp Room, guarded by a Dragon. This is the part of the zone that cannot be entered without the Reflector Ray boss shard.
Equipment Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Crimsonite Equipment/R
A recipe for crimsonite equipment. Dies Irae
Ancient Tiara
Oriental Sorcery Lab
In a chest in a pair of rooms attached to the northwest corner of the 2×4 torii maze in the south half of the Oriental Sorcery Lab. In the upper part of the maze with lots of both horizontal and vertical red torii, hop through the sole upside-down gate hanging from a flat, rectangular ledge from right to left to reach the corner.
Equipment Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Cashmere Equipment/R
A recipe for cashmere equipment. Coronation Gown
Over the Rainbow
Den of Behemoths
In a giant chest in the southwest 2×2 room, which is reached by traveling west from the Valefar boss fight.
Equipment Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Fine Equipment/R
A recipe for fine equipment. Blutgang
Steel Lightning
Black Cords
Beret of Bravery
Feather Crown
Silver Tiara
Witch's Hat
Spiked Breastplate
Silk Dress
Majestic Plate
Faerie Scarf
Hall of Termination
In a chest in a 1×2 room in the exact midpoint between the zone's southeast and northwest Save Rooms on the map.
Equipment Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Very Fine Equipment/R
A recipe for very fine equipment. Florenberg
Dragon Shoes
Beast Killer
Gunslinger's Hat
Hermit's Beret
Demon Horns
Shinobi Garb
Fangshi Scarf
Flame Scarf
Dian Cécht Cathedral
In a chest at the top of the center, smaller bell tower, reachable by Double Jumping from around the upper-left exit and rebounding off the hanging purple lantern to land on the top bell that does not break off.
Equipment Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Legendary Equipment/R
A recipe for legendary equipment. Ridill
Blue Rose
Rhava Velar
Eternal Blue
Mandau Pasir
Grand Izayoi
Hell's Knells
Gae Assail
Hall of Termination
In a chest at the upper-left corner of the 2×3 stairway chamber leading up to the boss encounter with Gebel at the top of this area, reached with Invert/High Jump.
Food Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
A recipe for ramen. Salt Ramen
Soy Ramen
Tonkotsu Ramen
Miso Ramen
Vongole Sauce
Soy Broth
Tonkotsu Broth
Miso Broth
Salt Broth
Oriental Sorcery Lab
In a chest in a room attached to the west end of the 2×4 torii maze in the south half of this area. Miriam can hop over the red torii to go through the western open doorway without needing to pass through the torii.
Food Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Curry Dish/R
A recipe for a curry dish. Curry & Rice
Pork Curry
Chicken Curry
Seafood Curry
Curry Sauce
Forbidden Underground Waterway
In a chest in a cave room off the top-left corner of the waterfall area. Double Jump is sufficient to clear the gap between the top of the waterfall to the right and the ledge to the left.
Food Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Pasta Dish/R
A recipe for a pasta dish. Classic Spaghetti
Pasta Carbonara
Pasta Vongole
Sea Urchin Pasta
Towers of Twin Dragons
Found in a chest at the bottom of the "upper half" of the west tower. The chest for Hair Apparent VII lies shortly beyond that in the same area. Both chests can be reached by using Double Jump's kick-attack to rebound off the purple candles underneath them, although Pasta Dish/R's chest is trickier to reach using this method.
Food Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Meat Dish/R
A recipe for a meat dish. Chicken Casserole
Chicken Sauté
Garlic Chicken
Ginger Pork
Pork Cutlet
Miso Cutlet
Meat Hot Pot
In the set of enemy-filled rooms connected to the top part of the 2×4 open room with the lone Sabnock. With Double Jump, it is possible to use the kick-attack to rebound off the Aello flying around the wide gap above. Then, a tricky similar maneuver can be used on the lone Cyhyraeth to get into the narrow ceiling gap above that, letting you reach the room with the Axe Outsider, Shield Outsider, and other collectables.
Food Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Fish Dish/R
A recipe for a fish dish. Fried Fish
Fish & Chips
Forneus Meunière
Forneus in Garlic
Simmered Forneus
Fish Hot Pot
Forbidden Underground Waterway
In a chest in a 2×5 cave area in the upper-center of the Waterway, northwest of the center Save Room. Use Double Jump's kick-attack to rebound off two purple candles off to the right to reach the chest in its tight enclosure.
Food Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
A recipe for sweets. Chocolate Crepe
Strawberry Crepe
Berry Spaghetti
Shiruko Spaghetti
Towers of Twin Dragons
Found in a chest somewhere in the middle of the "upper half" of the west tower. At the "four-way crossroads" a short ways west of the exit out of the "upper box" of this area on the map, it is just barely possible to reach the two trap-door platforms off to the upper left by using Double Jump's kick-attack to rebound off the lone purple candle above the dark-gray pillar flanked by trap-door platforms, then double-jumping left through the air, then kick-attacking downward to the left.
Food Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
A recipe for cookies. Cookies
Chocolate Cookies
Cinnamon Cookies
Livre Ex Machina
In a chest in a 1×3 room just left of the 2×2 bookcase room early in the lower part of this area. Push the rolling bookcase to the gap in the wall to slide into the chest's area.
Food Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
A recipe for cake. Chiffon Cake
Chocolate Cake
Strawberry Cake
Dian Cécht Cathedral
In a chest in the lower of two 2×1 hallways connecting two bell towers, with a Cyhyraeth right on top of it. A locked door left of it requires coming to it from the right bell tower.
Food Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
A recipe for a drink. Lemonade
Apple Juice
Strawberry Au Lait
Livre Ex Machina
In a chest in a 2×2 room southwest of the top Save Room, in a room with shifting bookcase platforms and a Craftwork bookcase puzzle. It is also guarded by a Dragon.
Food Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Ultimate Dish/R
A recipe for the "ultimate dish".
Allegedly more delicious than the "supreme dish".
Beef Curry
Forbidden Underground Waterway
In a chest in a 2×1 cave shortly above the south Warp Room.
Food Recipe - Ritual of the Night - 01
Supreme Dish/R
A recipe for the "supreme dish".
Allegedly more delicious than the "ultimate dish".
Exquisite Steak
Strawberry Pie
Fruit Juice
Forbidden Underground Waterway
Hidden in a destructible wall in the 1×4 cave just northwest of the Warp Room at the south-central part of the Waterway. This vertical cave is where the east end of the Inferno Cave exits out into after you defeat its boss for its Invert skill shard.