Bloodstained Wiki

A scarf that brings good luck and blessing to whoever finds it.

Over the Rainbow is a Scarf in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


The ultimate Scarf in the game, giving some of the best boosts to most stats and arguably being the best scarf overall, only trading a few stat values with other scarves, but making up for it by raising other stats as well. Over the Rainbow gives DEF +7, but most importantly, it boosts most other stats –STR, CON, INT and MND– by +3, making it great for fighting enemies with both physical and magical attacks, as well as giving good protection all around. If this wasn't enough, it also gives resistances to most damage types: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Light, Dark and Stone, all by +7.

Crafting it only requires three Cashmeres (that is, it doesn't require any additional rare Materials), which can be farmed from Giant Buers in the Den of Behemoths and inside blue chests in the Glacial Tomb.



See also[]
