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Bloodstained Wiki

A belt with a moon design that improves your back-dash ability.

The Moon Belt is an Accessory in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Wearing the Moon Belt will increase the player's backstepping distance roughly by 50% (that is, about an extra half of a normal backstep), which can be used to more easily avoid enemy attacks, or at least to leave the player at a safer spot while doing so.

Some players may also find it useful to travel faster by constantly backstepping while wearing this belt.



  • The name of this item is likely a reference to a dance move called the "moonwalk", in which the dancer moves backward while appearing to walk forward, and which was popularized by American singer and entertainer Michael Jackson in the 1980s.
  • The Moonwalkers (also a reference to the aforementioned dance move) from Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin grant the same effect of increasing the player's back dashing distance.

See also[]
