Bloodstained Wiki

An onion harvested from moco weeds.
Cooking it brings out its sweetness.

The Moco Leek is a food ingredient in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Moco Leeks are dropped by Moco Weeds (12.00%) and Giant Moco (×4, 10.00%). Giant Moco are located solely in the Den of Behemoths; one can be found near an entrance in a room above the Save Room. Moco Leeks can also be purchased from Dominique's supply post for 150G after defeating the Glutton Train.


Like almost all Materials, Moco Leeks are only useful for preparing Food via Johannes's alchemy menu in Arvantville.


Moco Leeks are one of the ingredients required for preparing:

Moco Leeks are also required for preparing ingredients for the following:


Moco Leeks are only used for enhancing the following Shard:

It takes at least 16 Moco Leeks to craft everything in the game: 14 as base ingredients, and two to create other ingredients.
