Bloodstained Wiki

Tap attack to wave this wonderful wand.
Hold attack to fire beams of magical light.

The Miri Scepter is a Firearm in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. It is part of the paid DLC "Magical Girl Cosmetic Pack", available from Update v.1.5.

The Miri Scepter works unlike any other firearm: while it cannot use the Rapid Fire technique, it can act like a dagger with a quick attack, or an actual firearm with a charged attack, at which point it will consume ammunition.


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Note: "+#" differentiators on item names aren't official. They are only added to distinguish between its different versions.

Through the Crafting option offered by Johannes, the Miri Scepter can be recrafted into stronger versions:

Name Materials required Stats
Miri Scepter - ATK 20
Miri Scepter +1 Miri Scepter
Vespine Wing x1
Ruby x1
Oak x1
ATK 29
Miri Scepter +2 Miri Scepter +1
Platinum x1
Walnut x1
Faerie Wing x1
ATK 33
Miri Scepter +3 Miri Scepter +2
Mahogany x1
Queen's Tears x1
Sapphire x1
ATK 45
Miri Scepter +4 Miri Scepter +3
Alexandrite x1
Dragon Heart x1
Diamond x1
ATK 52


Moon Stick - Sailor Moon - 01

Moon Stick from Sailor Moon.

  • The Miri Scepter is most likely based on the Moon Stick from the manga and anime series Sailor Moon, where it is used by the eponymous superheroine to execute many of her special moves.
  • The "Magical Girl Cosmetic Pack" is likely a reference to the "Beautiful Girl" (bishōjo) trope commonly seen in manga and anime, in particular to the Sailor Moon series. This is further supported by the description of its pieces mentioning a "Justice Warrior" battling evil forces and "pretty sailors protecting truth and love", which are common catchphrases in the series, as well as its moon-themed scepter, and the extremely long ponytails of the headpiece, which heavily resemble the iconic hairstyle of the namesake main protagonist, Sailor Moon.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Part of the "Magical Girl Cosmetic Pack" included in Update v.1.5.