Obtained by
Sold in supply post Dropped by Ghost, Poltergeist, Amy
Sold in supply post
Sold in supply post
Sold in supply post
Sold in supply post
Crafting (Sulfur Ore+Saltpeter) Dropped by Bomber Morte, Leraje, Giant Cannon
Dropped by Ghost, Amy Sold in supply post
Dropped by Dullahammer Sold in supply post
Dropped by Dullahammer, Blood Grinder Knight, Carriage Morte
Dropped by Sabnock, Gargoyle, Light Elemental
Dropped by Blood Grinder Knight, Sabnock, Buer Armor, Shovel Armor
Dropped by Shield Outsider, Bloodbringer, Lance Armor
Dropped by Puppy, Mimic, Lance Armor, Axe Outsider
Dropped by Axe Outsider
Dropped by Kunekune, Axe Outsider, Zepar
Dropped by Living Fossil Found in chests in Glacial Tomb zone
Crafting (10 Dark Matter, 50 Mercury) Sold in supply post
Dropped by Ninja
Dropped by G Axe Outsider Found in chests in Glacial Tomb zone
Dropped by Moco Weed
Dropped by Barbatos
Dropped by Wolfman, Gamigin, Allocer
Dropped by Allocer, Rocky, Kamikaze
Dropped by Giant Buer Found in chests in Glacial Tomb
Dropped by Seama Sold in supply post
Dropped by Cannon Morte
Dropped by Poltergeist, Carriage Morte
Dropped by Chair Mimic
Dropped by Deathtrap
Dropped by Deathtrap, Giant Cannon, Gusion Cannon
Dropped by Buer Armor, Rul'sha, Fire Elemental Found in chests in Towers of Twin Dragons
Dropped by Shovel Armor, Ice Elemental Found in chests in Towers of Twin Dragons
Dropped by Thunder Elemental Found in chests in Towers of Twin Dragons
Dropped by Light Elemental, Dark Elemental, Ice Elemental
Dropped by Fire Elemental
Dropped by Ice Elemental Found in chests in Glacial Tomb
8-bit Coin
Found in Arvantville Sold in supply post
16-bit Coin
Reward for completing Boss Rush Set 1 Sold in supply post
32-bit Coin
Reward for completing Boss Rush Set 2 Sold in supply post
8-bit Nightmare
Dropped by Eight Bit Overlord Earned after finishing the 8-bit Nightmare room
Writhing Limb
Dropped by Seama
Sharp Razor
Dropped by Killer Barber
Tome Scrap
Dropped by Dantalion
Sword Fragment
Dropped by Bloodbringer
Chair Remnants
Dropped by Chair Mimic
Monster Bird Tear
Dropped by Aello, Ocypete
Witch's Tears
Dropped by Cyhyraeth
Queen's Tears
Dropped by Tamako-Death, Lamashtu
Rat Teeth
Dropped by Giant Rat
Bat Fang
Dropped by Bat
Demon Dog Fang
Dropped by Gieremund
Monster Fang
Dropped by Buer
Sinister Fang
Dropped by Demon, Puppy
Demon Fang
Dropped by Archdemon, Rocky, Giant Bat
Fiend Fang
Dropped by Marbas, Silver Wolfman
Imbrued Fang
Dropped by Millionaire's Bane (Millionaire's Key mini-boss)
Lycan Claw
Dropped by Wolfman
Dragon Talons
Dropped by Dragon
Demon Claw
Dropped by Hellhound
Monster Horn
Dropped by Zagan
Demon Horn
Dropped by Gaap
Hellhorse Hoof
Dropped by Gamigin
Water Horse Hoof
Dropped by Glashtyn
Melting Bone
Dropped by Bone Morte, Shield Outsider
Dragon Bone
Dropped by Living Fossil
Demon Bone
Dropped by Volcano Morte
Imbrued Bone
Dropped by Master Carpenter (Carpenter's Key mini-boss)
Melting Skull
Dropped by Bone Morte
Sinister Skull
Dropped by Shield Outsider
Fiend Skull
Dropped by G Axe Outsider
Imbrued Skull
Dropped by Revenant (Warhorse Key mini-boss)
Grotesque Shell
Dropped by Scythe Mite, Mimic, Blood Bug
Inhuman Carapace
Dropped by Blood Bug
Cannon Scrap
Dropped by Cannon Morte
Gargoyle Stone
Dropped by Gargoyle
Hellhorse Mane
Dropped by Gamigin
Water Horse Mane
Dropped by Glashtyn
Lion Mane
Dropped by Sabnock
Lion Lord's Mane
Dropped by Marbas
Monster Bird Hair
Dropped by Celaeno
Thunderbird Plume
Dropped by Celaeno
Flight Feather
Dropped by Ocypete
Bovine Plume
Dropped by Haagenti
Small Webbing
Dropped by Bat
Toad Webbing
Dropped by Water Leaper
Demon Wing
Dropped by Gaap, Giant Bat
Rat Tail
Dropped by Giant Rat
Demon Tail
Dropped by Archdemon
Lili Tail
Dropped by Lili
Queen's Tail
Dropped by Lamashtu
Lili Ears
Dropped by Lili
Faerie Wing
Dropped by Sidhe
Vespine Wing
Dropped by Titania
Faerie Dust
Dropped by Carabosse, Titania
Vespine Stinger
Dropped by Scythe Mite, Sidhe
Dragon Scale
Dropped by Dragon
Dragon's Wrath
Dropped by Abyssal Guardian
Dreadful Rag
Dropped by Barbatos
Durable Rag
Dropped by Assassin
Sinister Rag
Dropped by Cyhyraeth, Leraje
Eastern Fabric
Dropped by Ninja
Dropped by Gieremund
Monster Fur
Dropped by Simian
Leonine Pelt
Dropped by Buer
Sinister Pelt
Dropped by Wolfman
Durable Leather
Dropped by Decarabia
Strange Leather
Dropped by Dantalion
Slimy Leather
Dropped by Deeseama
Demon Pelt
Dropped by Macaron, Gusion
Fiend Pelt
Dropped by Silver Wolfman
Toad Eye
Dropped by Toad
Sinister Eye
Dropped by Poison Toad
Demon Eye
Dropped by Seeker, Giant Toad
Fiend Eye
Dropped by Tracer
Toad Heart
Dropped by Toad, Poison Toad, Water Leaper
Sinister Heart
Dropped by Demon
Demon Heart
Dropped by Archdemon, Giant Toad
Dragon Heart
Dropped by Abyssal Guardian
Fiend Heart
Dropped by Demon Lord
Monster Blood
Dropped by Simian
Aquatic Blood
Dropped by Scylla, Deeseama