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A half-rabbit demon who has lopped off many a head.
~ Description from Ritual of the Night

Lili is an enemy in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon. She is a lesser demoness in a bunny costume.


Ritual of the Night[]

Lilis are first and mainly encountered along the departing station of the Bridge of Evil, as well as all along the train. Her main attack consists in hopping in place a couple of times and then landing a flying kick at the player. Keeping with the casino thematic, a harmless Lili can be seen pacing in the background of the Millionaire's Room in the Hall of Termination. The Millionaire's Bane in the same room can occasionally summon a hostile Lili to help it in combat.

Among her drops are the Lili Ears, a material required to craft the useful LCK boosting Bunny Ears; and the Lili Tail, which is required to craft called the Bunny Scarf, another LCK boosting accessory, as well as to enhance both the Bunnymorphosis and Pickpocket shards.

Furthermore, she drops the Bunnymorphosis Manipulative Shard, which allows Miriam to transform into a Lili herself and obtain an all new attacking moveset which mainly consists of kicking.

Classic II: Dominique's Curse[]

Lilis are among the "civilized" demons that live in the towns of Goetia and Theurgia. One in Goetia is likely to be the first demon that Dominique Baldwin speaks to and gives her the option to review the game's controls. During the Dead Moon, Lilis run back and forth and stop to repeatedly kick Dominique if she is in their attack range.

Curse of the Moon[]

In this game, Lilis will stay within their initial position until the player approaches close enough, at which point they will jump high into the air toward the player's current position, and slam the ground with their rump. This slam creates a small heart cloud on both sides, damaging those who were standing next to it. Afterward, they will briefly stand still to taunt the player before attempting to attack again. Thus, the most reliable way of dispatching Lilis (without using sub-weapons) is to jump away just before they land, and counterattack mid-taunt.


Ritual of the Night[]

Curse of the Moon[]


The following quotes are spoken by different Lilis in Classic II: Dominique's Curse. Red text is presented as such by the True Sight.

  • "Welcome to Limbo. Sometimes a human soul ends up lost here, but it's mainly just us demons. Looking for some advice?"
  • "Sniff... Oh, you're cursed huh? It's never a good night for that.
  • "You know, my favorite part of Limbo is that us demons never lie." (followed by laughter)
  • "One thing you can count on here in Limbo, is demons always lie." (followed by laughter)





See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Summoned by Millionaire's Bane.

External links[]
