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A former member of the Alchemy Guild. Unaware of the organization's darker plans, he befriended Miriam and Gebel, who were close in age. After the Guild's demise, Johannes allied himself with Dominique and the Church, using his skills as an Alchemist to learn more about the shards and predict when Miriam would wake. Together, they have vowed to go to Gebel's castle and put a stop to his plans. (Age: 33)
~ Terms description

Johannes (ヨハネス Yohanesu?) (pronounced yo-HAH-nis, mispronounced in-game as joe-HAH-nis) is a non-playable character in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. He is the last alchemist in the world.[4]

Official description[]

A member of the defunct Alchemist guild and Gebel's best friend. Johannes was the only Alchemist who dissented with the plan to call demons to the earth to cement Alchemy as the prevalent philosophy. His rejection of the other Alchemists’ scheme is what kept him from sharing their fate. He has a vague understanding that Miriam’s awakening and the demon castle’s appearance are no mere coincidence.


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Johannes has been a guide and brotherly figure to Miriam since she regained consciousness from her coma. As the last Alchemist, he took it upon himself to use his proficiency in his abilities to set things right by assisting her with upgrading shards and preparing food through crafting. His remorse for his involvement with the Alchemy Guild led him to check in on Miriam when she visits him and fill her in on the dangers that await in the Hellhold castle to the best of his knowledge. He may sometimes urge the young shardbinder to return to his workshop when something is amiss on her quest, demonstrating his concern for her physical and emotional well-being.

In spite of having seen the wicked side of humanity, he bears no ill will to those who have perpetrated evil. Due to his friendship with Gebel, he was sympathetic toward him even when his curse corrupted him and stayed by his side for some time when he succumbed to it completely. Likewise, he pitied Dominique when he discovered her betrayal, lamenting that she could've done so much good.


Johannes is a Latin given name, a variant of the Greek name Ιωάννης (Ioannes), which in turn is derived from the Hebrew name Yehochanan, meaning "Yahweh is gracious". The name is very common in Germany and the Netherlands.


Johannes has a workshop located near the beginning of Arvantville where he offers different services where the player can spend their collected materials in order to either create more powerful weapons, consumable items, enhance shards, or even dismantle items in order to extract their components.

These services are:

  • Craft - Create an item with materials.
  • Prepare - Miriam will cook foods using the ingredients.
  • Enhance Shard - Use material to enhance the Rank of a Shard of choice.
  • Dismantle - Alkahest can dismantle items and extract materials to use elsewhere.

A full list of craftable items, prepared meals, and enhanceable shards and the materials required in each case can be found in Alchemy Notes. Many of the items and meals can only be unlocked for creation by collecting various Recipe Books stored in chests throughout the map.

In Aurora Mode, Johannes only offers the option to Enhance Shard, allowing Aurora to empower her found shards.


  • "Hi, Miriam."
  • "Stop back often."
  • "It's good to see you."
  • "I haven’t seen you in a while. I’ve been worried."
  • "Pace yourself out there."
  • "Promise you'll stop Gebel no matter what."
  • "Are you eating properly?"
  • "Come back anytime."
  • "Come back if things start to go awry."
  • "At it early this morning, I see."
  • "Staying up late tonight?"
  • "What are we transmuting this time?"
  • "There! All done."
  • "Oooh, I like it."
  • "Once I've transmuted an item, I'll pass it on to Dominique so she can carry it as a supply post for you."
  • "Also, the demon crystal you've obtained-the shards-those can be transmuted the same way as items."
  • "With proper nutrition and a varied diet, you have the potential to get much stronger."
  • "It started when the interests of the rich shifted away from the spiritual and esoteric in favor of more material investments. The Alchemists' research was expensive. The guild members didn't want to lose their wealthy patrons. So they warned again and again that demons would come if people let go of their spirituality. But people don't change that easily, so the Alchemists took a more drastic measure."
  • "The castle itself was summoned from hell, demons and all. But the site it rests on is where the Alchemists' Guild once lay. So you may find traces of our facilities intermingled with the rest."
  • "Yes, and another of us was researching how to create giant organisms...Anyway, just be mindful of the facilities' existence. The knowledge may keep you out of harm's way while you explore."
  • "Yes. It shames me that I was even connected to what they did, but at least you have the facts of it."
  • "Yes. She's risked much to help us despite her position in the Church. For example, she arranged for the galleon that took us here. And she gave us use of one of her homes. That was where you first woke up."
  • "Oh, Miriam. You often bring up your promise to Gebel. But only vaguely, never in detail."
  • "You know, shard research has advanced during the ten years you slept."
  • "By using alchemy to add new matter to the shards, we can change their properties. They evolve. For example, an offensive shard's range may widen, or reach targets further away."
  • "To put it more simply, yes. But I should make special mention of enchantment shards. They require a large number of materials to transmute, but they function similarly to skill shards. In other words, they work even when you don't have them equipped."
  • "If you ever encounter a demon named Bael, run."
  • "Because he's the most powerful of the seventy-two demons. A quick escape may be the only thing that saves you."
  • "Yes, but Dominique and the Church can take it from here."
  • "It shouldn't have come to this my friend."
  • "If you plan to destroy the castle, you won't be able to do it without the Liber Logaeth."
  • "Gremory will be after him, too. Tracking Gremory might be faster."
  • "You have to stop Dominique."
  • "Dominique... She could have done so much good, but..."
  • "Gebel's fate was already sealed. There was nothing you could have done."
  • "Yes. You've made the world right again."
  • "And I'll do my best not to let you down. Come on, let's go home."

Aurora Mode[]

  • "This is nowhere for children. You must return home.
  • "Austria... in the Roman Empire? At any rate, I haven't seen your friends. There are only demons, I fear."
  • "A familiar shard, but you're no Shardbinder... I may be able to help after all."
  • "No payment needed, I'm happy to help for scientific curiosity... I need only alchemic materials, which can be found in chests."
  • "The curse is lifted. I wonder if that small girl played a part in this." (in the true ending)


See: Johannes/Gallery


External links[]
