Bloodstained Wiki

Medicine for restoring a large amount of health.

The High Potion is an item in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


The High Potion can be used to restore 250 HP on demand. Up to five High Potions can be held at a time.



Note that while High Potion both costs and restores exactly five times as much as the Potion, the recipe to craft a High Potion only uses 4 Potions as its components, not 5. This means that, so long as you bothered to pick up the Fine Healing Item/R from the Entrance early in the game, it will always save you 200G to buy four Potions for 800G total and combine them into a High Potion instead of buying a High Potion directly for 1,000G.

High Potion can be used to craft the following items:

High Potion can be used to enhance the following Shards:

See also[]
