“ | A jet black wolf whose hunger is insatiable. | „ |
~ Description from Ritual of the Night |
Gieremund is an enemy in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon.
A fast moving wolf-like creature apparently made from the same substance as Mortes. It charges at the player when approached.
It has a considerable amount of HP and it will usually take more than one hit to kill the first times it is encountered. When hit, it will be knocked back a little and become stunned, although it will quickly resume its charge.
Ritual of the Night[]
Curse of the Moon[]
Gieremund from Curse of the Moon.
Concept art for Ritual of the Night.
Gieremund preliminary art for the Curse of the Moon Collector's Edition cover by Tom duBois.
- The design and attack patterns of this enemy are likely based on the Black Panther from the Castlevania franchise.
- "Gieremund" is the name of the she-wolf in German fables.