Bloodstained Wiki
Bloodstained Wiki

Meat from a glasya-labolas.
The light flavor compliments any cuisine.

G-Bone Steak is a food ingredient in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


G-Bone Steak is dropped by defeated Celaeno and Ocypete, both with a 5% chance. Of the two, Celaeno is encountered first, and two can be found below a room past the Towers of Twin Dragons teleporter.


Like almost all materials, G-Bone Steak is only useful for preparing food via Johannes's alchemy menu in Arvantville.

G-Bone Steak is one of the ingredients required for preparing:

G-Bone Steak is also required for crafting ingredients for the following:

G-Bone Steak is not used in any Shard enhancements. It takes at least 17 G-Bone Steaks to craft everything in the game, with all 17 being base ingredients.
