Bloodstained Wiki

A hot pot made with whitefish.
Add rice at the end for a risotto.

Fish Hot Pot is a Food item in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Fish Hot Pot is prepared through Johannes' alchemy menu in Arvantville, requiring 1 Forneus Filet, 1 Aquatic Filet, 1 Consommé, and 1 Soy Sauce and also requiring Fish Dish/R to have been collected in Forbidden Underground Waterway with the help of Double Jump.

Consommé is bought for 800G once it has been crafted using 1 storebought Halite, 1 Moco Leek and 1 Beast Beef (respectively dropped by Moco Weed and Zagan monsters in the Garden of Silence), and 1 Black Pepper (found in blue chests in the Underground Sorcery Lab). Both Forneus Filet and Aquatic Filet are dropped by Forneus (8%) and Deeseama (8%) in Forbidden Underground Waterway, reachable once you can travel through the water itself with Aqua Stream.

Soy Sauce, the ingredient that restricts this recipe to the late game for most players, is normally found in blue chests in the Oriental Sorcery Lab. However, exploiting a trick to get early Soy Sauce (by dismantling a free Uni Rice Bowl awarded by a very early quest from Lindsay, then crafting a meal that uses a Soy Sauce to add that meal to Dominique's Shop so that more of that meal can be bought and dismantled) means that this can be created and eaten several zones earlier than intended.

Once one Fish Hot Pot has been prepared, duplicates of it can be bought for 1,980G.


Fish Hot Pot is a food consumable restoring 495 HP whenever used and giving a permanent bonus of +5 INT and 1 extra MP regenerated per second while in MP Quickcharge state when first eaten. It is 98% more powerful and expensive than the High Potion, and you can carry up to 99 of it.

If you are doing the "early Soy Sauce trick," the meal can be crafted once you have gathered all the other ingredients accessible as of the later, underwater portions of the Forbidden Underground Waterway, allowing you to play through the Hidden Desert, Secret Sorcery Lab, and Inferno Cave zones with the benefit of the meal's strong INT and MP Quickcharge bonuses instead of having to wait until the Oriental Sorcery Lab to get that set of bonuses.
