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Steak made with the choicest meat.
Meals like this can change your life.

The Exquisite Steak is a Food item in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Exquisite Steak is prepared through Johannes' alchemy menu in Arvantville, requiring Flying Beef ×2, Halite ×1, Black Pepper ×1, and Butter ×1. Supreme Dish/R would also need to have been retrieved in the compact south-central part of the Forbidden Underground Waterway located between the Inferno Cave and the Hidden Desert (requires Invert earned in the Inferno Cave). After Exquisite Steak is first prepared, it will be sold at Dominique's supply post for 3,480G.

The "lesser ingredients" of the Exquisite Steak match three of the ingredients that go into the regular Steak. Halite is an extremely cheap ingredient bought at the store, and Butter will also be sold at the store once you craft one of those from Halite ×1 and Milk ×1. Black Pepper is randomly found in blue chests in the Underground Sorcery Lab. The most challenging ingredient to gather by far is the Flying Beef; not only does it only have a 1% chance to drop from Haagenti in the late-game Oriental Sorcery Lab, but you also need to gather two of them for each Exquisite Steak you plan to prepare. Stacking both Plunderer's Rings on Miriam is highly recommended.


Exquisite Steak is a food consumable, restoring 870 HP whenever used and giving a massive permanent bonus of +10 STR when first eaten. It costs and restores 3.48 times as much as the High Potion, and because it is a meal, up to 99 of it can be carried at a time.

Exquisite Steak is very much an "ultimate" meal corresponding to the difficulty of grinding out its main ingredient, the Flying Beef. Its +10 STR bonus can be compounded by two other similarly "ultimate" recipes that unlock at the same time as you start getting your hands on this dish: Beef Curry (+8 STR and +50 MAXHP) and Meat Hot Pot (+5 STR, +5 CON, and +5 MND). All of these will heavily improve the damage you deal with any physically aligned attack, but it will take getting a total of Flying Beef ×5 to drop in order to prepare all three and add them to the supply post.

While buying another Exquisite Steak outright will set you back 3,480G, this is likely preferable to farming the ingredients for crafting it again because an Exquisite Steak, one separate from the one you would need to eat for its STR bonus, is the turn-in for Susie's twenty-first and final quest, "Life-Changing". Her reward is the Recycle Hat.

If you would rather pay to avoid farming Haagenti for four (or even six) more potentially excruciating Flying Beef drops, you have the option of crafting one Meat Hot Pot (the only recipe of the three that takes one Flying Beef rather than two), buying two more Meat Hot Pots for 3,960G total, and dismantling both using a total of Alkahest ×18 (which you can farm Amy enemies in the Hidden Desert to amass for free) to end up with two new Flying Beefs, ready to be crafted into one of the other two recipes (this method also has the bonus of supplying you with Soy Sauce ×2, which goes into various late-game meals). Once you have crafted one of either of those recipes, you can then buy and dismantle a copy of that to end up with two more Flying Beefs, which you can use to craft the third and final recipe with.
