Bloodstained Wiki

A dullahammer head that has been refashioned into human armor.

The Dullahammer Helm is a Head Armor in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


The Dullahammer Helm is one of the most common Head Armors in the game. It can initially be obtained from Dullahammers in the Galleon Minerva, the first level of the game. Obtaining it early can be beneficial, as it gives STR +1, which will slightly increase the player's physical damage output, although it will surely be outclassed by most other purchasable headgear once the player reaches Arvantville. Due to it also being dropped by the infinite spawning Dullahammer Heads, it is quite likely the player will end up with dozens of Dullahammer Helms in their inventory; unfortunately, they are only sold for 40G a piece, so it isn't very profitable to sell them.

