Bloodstained Wiki

Regale your surroundings with a chilling and damaging cry.

Death Cry is a Conjure Shard in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Miriam summons a Cyhyraeth in front of her that screams, producing a circular ripple wave that damages enemies. The scream sometimes also inflicts the Slow status on enemies.



Rank: Increases coverage.

Aurora Mode[]

In Aurora's campaign, Gen provides this Shard through the curse that has turned her into a Cyhyraeth. She can be enhanced using Diamonds. Gen is likely to be the first Conjure Shard that Aurora acquires, as a Cyhyraeth is found early on the mandatory path through the Dian Cécht Cathedral. After that, each enemy that drops Diamonds has a chance to relinquish a Gen Shard, although only once per type; these demons are Seama, Deeseama, Glashtyn, Forneus, Toad, Poison Toad, Water Leaper, and Giant Toad. Achieving Max grade and Max rank for all shards, including the Gen Shards, is necessary to obtain 100% completion with Aurora.
