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Bloodstained Wiki

The Dead Lands is a secret location in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. It is part of the Kingdom Crossover pack, which was first included in Update 1.20. Unlike 8-bit Nightmare, only Miriam is able to access the Dead Lands.


To access the Dead Lands stage, the player first has to defeat the boss Bathin in the Underground Sorcery Lab during the main game. Once this has been done, a special golden crown icon will appear in Dominique's study in Arvantville on the game map, hinting that a new item, the Crown of Creation, has become purchasable at her shop (costs 1G). Once this Head Armor has been purchased, the player has to revisit the Bridge of Evil, where the crown map icon has now moved, by boarding the train one more time, and make their way to its end and reach the exit door wearing the Crown of Creation as they leave. If correctly done, they'll then be transported to the secret Dead Lands stage.

Dead Lands is a short straightforward forest stage where the player initially has to fight a couple of Gamigins and then face the new crossover boss, Breeder, at the end. Upon defeating it, they'll receive the unique Familiar: Archer shard. This new familiar specializes in ranged attacks, and as usual, it can increase its powers as it levels up.


  • Gamigin
  • Greedlings (spawned by the Breeder during the boss fight)





See also[]
