Bloodstained Wiki

An ominous black mass that is probably edible...but you first.

Dark Matter is a Food item used as a late-game crafting component in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Dark Matter is prepared through Johannes' alchemy menu in Arvantville, requiring 1 each of Rat Tail, Toad Eye, Witch's Tears, and Fell Leaf. The first two items are easy drops from basic Giant Rat and Toad enemies in early areas, and the Witch's Tears are a somewhat harder drop from the Cyhyraeth, but the Fell Leaf is exclusive to the Giant Moco in the Den of Behemoths close to the "true end" of the game.

This would make Dark Matter seem to be a "late-game-only" material, but there are easy ways to get your hands on some at earlier points. The best method by far is to open refillable blue chests in the southeast Hidden Desert until you get a piece of Gold material, which can be dismantled into a surprisingly generous 10 Dark Matter (and 50 Mercury) by using up 15 Alkahests — which also happen to be easy to farm in the Hidden Desert by slaying the Amy enemies.

It can also be dropped from the Dark Elemental in the southwest Secret Sorcery Lab with an extremely rare 1% chance. One Dark Elemental spawns just outside the zone's warp room. An advantage to rapidly slaying this monster is that it also drops Resist Darkness shards, which take exactly 8 Dark Matter to fully rank up to Rank 9, so any Dark Matters you get to drop from this while farming those shards can be seen as a nice bonus.

As soon as you have any amount of Dark Matter, you can permanently unlock the ability to directly buy Dark Matter for a rather reasonable 1300G a piece by dismantling that for 9 Alkahests, then "cooking back" the separated materials into a Dark Matter in the Prepare menu.


Surprisingly, this food item created from ingredients in the Prepare menu is used for various late-game crafts and shard enhancements as though it were a Material, rather than being eaten by itself. While eating it will register it with the plate-and-utensil "eaten" icon like any other food, it neither adds any permanent stats nor refills HP and MP. Instead, it will poison you (non-permanently).

Dark Matter can be used to craft the following items:

Dark Matter can be used to enhance the following shards:


  • Despite being relatively useless, if not slightly harmful, to consume a Dark Matter, it can be advantageous to do so while wearing an Adversity Ring, or to ultimately work toward increasing the attack of the Redbeast's Edge.
  • Miriam will audibly comment positively when eating all other Foods; that is not the case for the Dark Matter, as it will uniquely trigger a sad, disgusted response instead.