The Daizangetsuto (大斬月刀 Daizangetsutō) is a weapon for Zangetsu in Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2.
The Daizangetsuto is an upgrade for Zangetsu's signature sword, courtesy of Alfred, who reforges it using "a bit of" alchemy if Zangetsu insists on going alone to the Lunar stronghold. The weapon is so powerful that, when Zangetsu uses his super slash technique on an escaping Sariel, he winds up cleaving the moon itself in twain. Furthermore, the base projectile shot by the Flying Armor will be changed into powerful forward slashes, and the vehicle will become able to use all available sub-weapons of the other party members, despite them being absent.
In order to obtain this blade, the Final Episode must be completed with the bare minimum necessary to get the Flying Armor into space, and to do so without retrieving even a single one of Zangetsu allies; due to the random distribution of said party members across the stages, it may be necessary to restart the Episode until a favorable combination is met.
From a strict gameplay perspective, the Daizangetsuto gives Zangetsu back his 3-strike combo and enhanced sub-weapons, from when he possessed the Soul Eraser, that he had lost when he traded it for the Zanmato before killing Mephisto.
Defeating Sariel with the Daizangetsuto will unlock Single character mode, a feature that allows to choose a single one among the eight playable characters, Zangetsu, Dominique, Miriam, Robert, Alfred, Gebel, or Hachi, to go through Episode 1.