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A powdered mixture of fragrant spices that whets the appetite.

Curry Powder is a Food ingredient in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Only one enemy drops Curry Powder: the Ordog, who have a 3% chance to drop it on defeat. They are found in the Garden of Silence and Dian Cécht Cathedral; one can be found outside the Cathedral's teleporter. Curry Powder can also spawn in blue chests in the Underground Sorcery Lab. One such chest is next to the Lab's entrance, with another chest two rooms to the left; exiting and reentering the Lab will respawn the chests.


Like almost all ingredients, Curry Powder is only useful for preparing food via Johannes's alchemy menu in Arvantville.

Only one thing can be crafted from Curry Powder:

Curry Sauce can then be used to craft the following:

Curry Powder is not used in any Shard enhancements. It takes 7 Curry Powder to craft and enhance everything in the game.
