Bloodstained Wiki

A recipe for a curry dish.

Curry Dish/R is a Recipe Book in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


It is found in a green chest in a cave room off the top-left corner of the waterfall area in the Forbidden Underground Waterway. Double Jump is sufficient to clear the gap between the top of the waterfall to the right and the ledge to the left.


Holding this key item adds the following recipes to the Alchemy Notes menu, allowing them to be prepared by Johannes:

Item crafted Materials
Curry & Rice ×1 Curry Sauce
×1 Rice
Pork Curry ×1 Curry Sauce
×1 Rice
×1 Plume Pork
Chicken Curry ×1 Curry Sauce
×1 Rice
×3 G-Bone Steak
Seafood Curry ×1 Curry Sauce
×1 Rice
×1 Forneus Filet
Curry Sauce ×1 Curry Powder
×1 Moco Leek
×1 Moco Oil
×1 Halite