Bloodstained Wiki

A fragrant cookie that pairs well with black tea.

Chocolate Cookies are a Food item in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Cinnamon Cookies are prepared through Johannes' alchemy menu in Arvantville, requiring 1 Cinnamon, 1 Cookies, and 1 Baking Soda and also requiring that Cookies/R is found in the southwest corner of the early-visited portion of Livre Ex Machina, roughly one third through the game. Both the Cinnamon and the Baking Soda are bought for 100G at Dominique's shop. This recipe essentially amounts to "upgrading" an existing Cookies with the aforementioned Baking Soda and Cinnamon; ideally, you would buy another Cookies for 400G after crafting one for 1 Butter, 1 Sugar, 1 Egg, and 1 Flour so you don't have to buy more of the same individual ingredients.


Cinnamon Cookies are a food consumable, restoring 125 HP when used and giving a permanent bonus of +1 LCK when first eaten. It restores exactly the 125 HP you would expect of its 500G retail price. It becomes available as soon as the Cookies itself is unlocked via collecting Cookies/R, so buying Cookies and "converting" them into 1 Cinnamon Cookies and 1 Chocolate Cookies should be done as soon as possible for the total +3 LCK that eating the three Cookie variants will provide.
