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A simple crepe that gets a subtle bitter note from the chocolate.

The Chocolate Crepe is a Food item in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Chocolate Crepe is prepared through Johannes' alchemy menu in Arvantville, requiring 1 Cocoa, 1 Heavy Cream, and 1 Crepe Dough and also requiring Sweets/R to be found in the upper outdoor part of the western of the Towers of Twin Dragons (which can be gotten with the same Double Jump skill needed to access that part of the zone to begin with). After Chocolate Crepe is first prepared, it will be sold at Dominique's supply post for 980G.

Both Cocoa and Heavy Cream can be bought after at least one of each are crafted; both coincidentally require 1 storebought Sugar and 1 Beast Milk dropped by Zagan (8%) in the late part of Garden of Silence, and the Cocoa additionally requires 1 storebought Cacao Bean (Heavy Cream can alternatively be gotten in a "free" set of five by completing Lindsay's midgame-tier quest, "Avenge the death of Dario!", by slaying 6 Ocypete in upper Dian Cécht Cathedral).

The Crepe Dough is an intermediary crafted ingredient that becomes available for 700G after preparing it from 1 each of Flour, Sugar (both storebought), Beast Milk, and Dragon Egg (dropped with a 5% base probability by Dragons that first appear in the post-Reflector Ray portion of Livre Ex Machina). The Dragon Egg is the latest-collected ingredient involved.


Chocolate Crepe is a food consumable, restoring 245 HP whenever used and giving a permanent bonus of +2 LCK when first eaten. It costs and restores 98% as much as the High Potion, and because it is a meal, up to 99 of it can be carried at a time.
