Bloodstained Wiki

A luxurious chocolate cake.
Also, a cavity waiting to happen.

The Chocolate Cake is a Food item in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


The Chocolate Cake is prepared through Johannes's alchemy menu in Arvantville, requiring Cocoa ×1, Heavy Cream ×1, Butter ×1, and Dragon Egg ×1 and also requiring Cake/R to be found in the upper reaches of Dian Cécht Cathedral (which requires the Reflector Ray to reach, but Double Jump-kicking allows you to sequence-break to get this much earlier). After Chocolate Cake is first prepared, it will be sold at Dominique's supply post for 980G.

Both Cocoa and Heavy Cream can be bought after at least one of each are crafted; both coincidentally require 1 store-bought Sugar and 1 Beast Milk dropped by Zagan (8%) in the late part of Garden of Silence, and the Cocoa additionally requires 1 store-bought Cacao Bean. (Heavy Cream can alternatively be gotten in a "free" set of five by completing Lindsay's midgame-tier quest, "Avenge the death of Dario!", by slaying 6 Ocypete in upper Dian Cécht Cathedral.) Butter is yet another item that can be crafted to be added to the store, this time taking 1 each of the store-bought ingredients Halite and Milk.

Finally, Dragon Egg is dropped by Dragons (5%) in the later, post-Reflector Ray region of Livre Ex Machina roughly halfway through the game. Like Cake/R itself, Dragons can be reached with just Double Jump roughly one third through the game by sequence-breaking at the Cathedral Zone using breakable purple lanterns; once you are up in the upper levels of the Cathedral zone, you can take its east exit beyond the Bloodless boss fight to reach the aforementioned Livre Ex Machina region.

Many players won't even bother crafting a Chocolate Cake of their own because a "free" set of three Chocolate Cakes is the quest reward for Abigail's fourth quest, "In Memory of Morris," which requires submitting a Bat Wings.


Chocolate Cake is a food consumable, restoring 245 HP whenever used and giving a permanent bonus of +2 LCK when first eaten. It costs and restores 98% as much as the High Potion, and because it is a meal, up to 99 of it can be carried at a time.

Being not only a quest reward but also one of the early ones means that Miriam can get a highly valuable +2 LCK bonus far before the point in the game where the food can be cooked up through the player's own efforts. Thanks to a trick involving other early quests, Chocolate Cake can be eaten before even entering the Garden of Silence for the first time. After fulfilling Abigail's first two easy quests and Lindsay's first quest, you can get an easy Brigandine by fulfilling Lindsay's subsequent early quest to slay two Sabnocks in the Entrance, then submitting that for Abigail's third quest to get three Pizzas (which themselves give a +3 CON bonus). That will open up her fourth quest, which requires submitting a Bat Wings — which is a matter of getting Cotton to drop from Moco Weeds (if you haven't already gotten them from blue chests in Galleon Minerva and the earlier parts of the Entrance) and Small Webbing to drop from Bats. This will reward you with three Chocolate Cakes.

If the player fails to recognize this trick and presumes that they must craft their own Brigandine as part of Abigail's third quest, then the quest can only be completed when they reach the eastern area of the Garden of Silence because crafting a Brigandine requires harvesting Monster Fur from the Simians that appear there. Only then will the fourth quest be unlocked.
