Bloodstained Wiki

Chicken and rice covered in white sauce and baked. Don't burn yourself.

The Chicken Casserole is a Food item in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Chicken Casserole is prepared through Johannes' alchemy menu in Arvantville, requiring White Sauce ×1, G-Bone Steak ×1, Rice ×1, and Cheese ×1 and also requiring Meat Dish/R to have been collected from above the Sabnock chamber in the Entrance zone (requires Double Jump-kicking). After Chicken Casserole is first prepared, it will be sold at Dominique's supply post for 780G.

G-Bone Steak is dropped by both Celaeno and Ocypete. Rice is grown from Rice Seeds with Harry in Arvantville in batches of 10 items, and Cheese is a random drop from Giant Rat nearby.

The main ingredient, White Sauce, is available for 500G once you craft at least one of that using Flour ×1, Halite ×1, Butter ×1, and Beast Milk ×1; the first two component ingredients are store-bought ingredients while the Butter will become available for purchase once you craft that from 1 other Halite and 1 regular store-bought Milk. The Beast Milk is technically the last-found ingredient because it is dropped by Zagans in an area of the Garden of Silence that can be accessible through Craftwork, but it can still be gotten before Meat Dish/R can be reached with Double Jump.

On the other hand, three Chicken Casseroles are rewarded when Abigail's tenth quest, "In Memory of Lily" is completed. It is done by submitting a Silver Tiara (dropped by Tamako-Death or crafted from Silver ×2).


Chicken Casserole is a food consumable, restoring 195 HP whenever used and giving a permanent bonus of +15 MAXHP, +1 STR, and +1 MND when first eaten. It costs and restores only 78% as much as the High Potion, but because it is a meal, up to 99 of it can be carried at a time.
