Bloodstained Wiki

Cheat Codes are special codes that can be used to add special features in the games of the Bloodstained series. These usually takes the form of extra items, although some can introduce some more exotic elements.


To enter a Cheat Code: On the game's title menu, select "Game Start" to start a new game, and on the "Name" entry prompt, input the desired code word. A chime will sound if the cheat code was successfully entered, and when the game begins, the item related to that code will already appear within the player's inventory in the respective list section of the Main Menu's "Equipment" screen ("Weapon", "Head", "Body", "Accessory I/II", "Scarf").

All Cheat Codes are case sensitive.

List of Cheat Codes[]

Ritual of the Night[]

Cheat Code Unlocked item or feature
TheSpeedGamers Final Hour - Ritual of the Night - 01
Final Hour
STEPHENPLAYS Sicilian Slicer - Ritual of the Night - 01
Sicilian Slicer
JEPSON Clockwork Blade - Ritual of the Night - 01
Clockwork Blade
SPONGYVINE Vine Sword - Ritual of the Night - 01
Vine Sword
8MEGAPOWER Game Sack Strip - Ritual of the Night - 01
Game Sack Strip
ALPHAOMEGASIN Darkness Descends - Ritual of the Night - 01
Darkness Descends
DUNGEONITE Dungeonite Sword - Ritual of the Night - 01
Dungeonite Sword
Akuma Dominus - Ritual of the Night - 01
chuggaaconroy Space Helmet - Ritual of the Night - 01
Space Helmet
EGGFARM Guardian Egg Helm - Ritual of the Night - 01
Guardian Egg Helm
INTHEBATHROOM Dumping Helmet - Ritual of the Night - 01
Dumping Helmet
Jarvis Meower Mega64 Helmet - Ritual of the Night - 01
Mega64 Helmet
TEAMFAT A Kinda Funny Mask - Ritual of the Night - 01
A Kinda Funny Mask
AWESOMEVIDEOGAMES Big Mustache - Ritual of the Night - 01
Big Mustache
Egoraptor Hey I'm Grump - Ritual of the Night - 01
Hey I'm Grump
Grumps I'm Not So Grump - Ritual of the Night - 01
I'm Not So Grump
swimmingbird Plague Doctor Face - Ritual of the Night - 01
Plague Doctor Face
BULLFIGHTER The-Baz Mask - Ritual of the Night - 01
The-Baz Mask
BIGHEAD Big Head Mode - Ritual of the Night - 01
Big Head Mode for the playable character.
NIGHTMARE Nightmare - Ritual of the Night - 01
Play in any difficulty (including Hard and Nightmare)
without needing to unlock them first.
BLOODLESS Bloodless Mode - Ritual of the Night - 01
Play as Bloodless.

Other than code based chars, there is also an input-based code, a variation of the notorious Konami Code, that can be entered in the title screen of Classic Mode.

Cheat Code Unlocks
↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → X/Square B/Circle 1986 Mode

Curse of the Moon[]

A series of cheat codes can be inputted on the title screen in order to alter Boss Rush Mode, done by holding the corresponding button when initiating the run:

  • Nightmare Mode Boss Difficulty: I button (Steam), L button (Nintendo Switch/Nintendo 3DS), L1 button (PS4).
  • Ultimate Zangetsu (normal boss difficulty): N button (Steam), R button (Nintendo Switch/Nintendo 3DS), R1 button (PS4).
  • Infinite Weapon Points: T button (Steam), X button (Nintendo Switch/Nintendo 3DS), Triangle button (PS4).
  • Sub-weapons and Hearts Regenerate after each Battle: C button (Steam), Y button (Nintendo Switch/Nintendo 3DS), Square button (PS4).

External links[]
