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Bloodstained Wiki

Launch a bouncing ball of water at enemies.

Cerulean Splash is a Conjure Shard in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


A single ball of water is shot out and bounces off walls and floors. Increasing the Rank of this shard increases its duration. Costs 15 MP.

This is the first shard obtained in the game and is scripted to appear during the introductory cutscene in the Galleon Minerva. Right after Miriam picks up the Knife from a chest and equips it, a single Seama will break into the room and has to be defeated, having a 100% chance to drop the Cerulean Splash shard, and serving as a tutorial on how to use Conjure Shards. While casting Cerulean Splash has a very low MP cost, by the point in the game it is acquired, the player will also have a very limited amount of MP, so moderate usage of it is advised.

The Cerulean Splash is mainly recommended for dealing with Seamas and Cannon Mortes while exploring the Galleon Minerva. Obtaining a second copy of this shard will ensure being able to defeat a Seama with a single cast, which is especially useful during the Vepar boss fight, as she sometimes summons these aquatic creatures to aid her during the encounter.


  • Dropped by:


Rank: Increases the duration.

Grade: Increases damage dealt.
