Bloodstained Wiki

The Carpenter's Room is a location in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. It is one of the four backer Secret Rooms in the game.


The door to the Carpenter's Room is found in the Oriental Sorcery Lab; from the Warp Room of this area make way through the large room and exit through its upper-left exit (past the Kamikaze); the blue door is found at the top of the next room. Like all other backer rooms, it is initially locked behind a blue door and its key must be first found and used on it in order to gain access to it. The Carpenter's Key is found at the top of the rightmost bell tower in the Dian Cécht Cathedral.

Once its key has been procured and the player has entered the Carpenter's Room, they'll have to face the Master Carpenter, an optional miniboss who is a demon carpenter gifted at summoning. The room features a large wood cutting table with an equally large sawing blade and giant rotating gears moving the machinery. The sawing blade is just for aesthetics, though, and is harmless to the touch; and on the contrary, all of the device can be stepped and climbed upon without issues. Along with the machine, there are many other carpenter-themed details adorning the room, like stacks of wood blocks and other wood working tools, in addition to the portrait of the back who inspired this room.

Gaining access to the Carpenter's Room and defeating the Master Carpenter has the main purpose of having a chance of acquiring an Imbrued Bone, a material used for crafting advanced end-game weapons, and/or the Chisel Barrage shard, potentially one of the most powerful Directional Shards in the game.

Zangetsu, Bloodless, and Aurora can all enter the Carpenter's Room and fight the Master Carpenter without a key. In Bloodless's campaign, the room contains a shard of Blood of Tenacity. She can take it as soon as she enters the room, but she must defeat the Master Carpenter to leave.



  • This room is a backer reward from the Kickstarter campaign of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
  • One of Lindsay's quests requires the player to kill six Demon Lords. While these can normally be found in the Glacial Tomb, the final area of the game, the Master Carpenter also summons them during his boss fight, providing an early way to complete the quest. However, he can only summon up to three Demon Lords per fight, so the player will have to fight him at least twice in order to complete the quest. Only the first fight is mandatory, though, and on following fights, the door to the boss room will remain open, allowing the player to leave right after completing the quest.
    • Since Demon Lords give a very high amount of EXP, the Master Carpenter can also be exploited to quickly level up. Demon Lords are much easier to fight on the ceiling by using Invert; and as soon as the three of a fight have been defeated, the player can exit and reenter the room to repeat the process.