Bloodstained Wiki

A greatsword whose internal steam engine adds incredible power to each swing.

Carnot's Rebuke is a Greatsword in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


  • Towers of Twin Dragons: The Carnot's Rebuke can only be found in a chest in the Towers of Twin Dragons. The chest can be found above the door at the top of the left-hand tower, requiring the use of a line of collapsing platforms to reach it, or a Shard that is found later in the game such as Invert or High Jump if it is only being picked up to complete the Item list.


Carnot's Rebuke cannot be crafted or dismantled.


Carnot's Rebuke is a moderately powerful Greatsword with a base ATK of 39, but it has a gimmick to it: if the player holds down the attack button, it will build up power for a stronger swing. Miriam cannot move while charging Carnot's Rebuke on the ground, but it can be charged during a jump to circumvent this.

By default, it does not have access to any Techniques.


  • It is named for French mechanical engineer Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, who is known for his 1824 book Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire, in particular the calculations regarding the maximum efficiency of a heat engine that formed the basis of later work that defined the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Whether the sword's name is intended to mean it rebukes Carnot himself (by being more efficient) or represents a rebuke by him (hitting someone with a heat engine) is not clear.