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An extravagant curry and rice plate loaded with beef.
Seconds, please!

The Beef Curry is a Food item in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Beef Curry is prepared through Johannes' alchemy menu in Arvantville, requiring Curry Sauce ×1, Rice ×1, and Flying Beef ×2 and also requiring Ultimate Dish/R from the south-central part of Forbidden Underground Waterway reached by taking the west exit from Hidden Desert late in the game. After Beef Curry is first prepared, it will be sold at Dominique's supply post for 3900G.

Rice is grown with Harry using a planted Rice Seed. The Curry Sauce, if you had not already crafted it previously to give yourself the ability to buy it for 500G, is crafted out of four ingredients of its own: Moco Leek ×1 and Moco Oil ×1, both of which are commonly dropped by Moco Weed early in the Garden of Silence; Halite ×1 bought for super-cheap at the store; and Curry Powder ×1. This is a 3% drop from the Ordog in the lower, earlier portion of Dian Cécht Cathedral (right next to the warp room), but it can more easily be found as random rewards in blue chests in the Underground Sorcery Lab halfway through the game and in Inferno Cave about 75% through the game.

The last ingredient, Flying Beef, drops from Haagenti in the late-game zone, Oriental Sorcery Lab. Unfortunately, Flying Beef is one of the rarest drops in the game (1%), and this recipe requires two Flying Beefs to prepare, so it is recommended that Miriam is wearing both Plunderer's Rings as you try to get them to drop.


Beef Curry is a food consumable, restoring 975 HP whenever used and giving a permanent bonus of +50 Max HP and +8 STR when first eaten. It costs and restores 3.9 times as much as the High Potion, and because it is a meal, up to 99 of it can be carried at a time. It is the most expensive and potent HP-restoring meal in the game, though it is still somewhat inadvisable to try either buying lots of this or farming lots of Flying Beef for this when Fried Fish is so readily available for free.

Beef Curry is one of three "ultimate" meals that you can craft closely together as you gather the Flying Beef involved in all of their recipes. Its bonuses stack very well with the other two Flying Beef recipes: Meat Hot Pot (+5 STR, +5 CON, +5 MND) and Exquisite Steak (+10 STR). All of these will heavily improve the damage you deal with any physically aligned attack, but it will take getting a total of five rare Flying Beefs to drop in order to prepare all three meals and add them to the shop.

If you would rather pay to avoid the potentially excruciating process of farming Haagenti for the other four necessary Flying Beef drops, you have the option of crafting one Meat Hot Pot (the only recipe of the three that takes one Flying Beef rather than two), buying two more Meat Hot Pots for 3960G total, and dismantling both using 18 Alkahests (which you can farm Amy enemies in the Hidden Desert to amass) to end up with two Flying Beefs ready to craft into one of the other two recipes. (This method also has the bonus of supplying you with two extra Soy Sauces, which go into various late-game meals.) Once you have crafted either Beef Curry or an Exquisite Steak, you can buy a copy of that and dismantle it (for 9 more Alkahests) to get two Flying Beefs out of it, which can then go into the crafting of the remaining meal.
