Arvantville is a location in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
It is an abandoned village overrun by demons Gebel called forth. It is in close proximity to his castle, the Hellhold. A handful of survivors of the demonic invasion, in addition to Dominique and Johannes, take shelter underground where they will enlist Miriam's help to get them back on their feet. A supply post stocked with weapons, supplies, and materials as well as crafting services can be accessed in the shelter at any point in the game.
Once you exit east from the beached Galleon Minerva, follow along with the cutscenes and talk to all the characters to introduce yourself to their services. Dominique will give you the Village Key to proceed past the room with the stairs.
When you enter the large, outdoor village area, your basic jump can just barely make it to the awning at the upper left corner to discover the Warp Room, which immediately "connects it" to the map's "warp room network". This is useful for returning to Arvantville without having to use up a Waystone.
Also in the village area is a structure with a green chest containing the Elf Ears that can be reached by standing on the crumbling roof above it; this roof only crumbles once in a given playthrough, so, if you do not fall through this correctly, you cannot reach this chest until you get the Double Jump later in the Livre Ex Machina.
At the far east edge of the bridge is the exit into the castle's Entrance zone, reached by flipping a lever to lower the drawbridge (it is possible to raise it back up and ride it up to reach a hidden HP Max Up and MP Max Up above the drawbridge). The caves underneath this bridge also connect to the far northwest end of the Forbidden Underground Waterway zone, although there is scarcely little you can do here besides try to kill a swimming Forneus for its shard.
Dominique will sometimes give Miriam hints on where to go or what type of demon to look for next to get its shard, at times relaying messages sent to her by Zangetsu. Bringing Dominique the Silver Bromide found right after the boss in the Towers of Twin Dragons will give Miriam the Identification, which she must then bring to Orlok Dracule in early Livre Ex Machina to get the Passplate that will let her proceed through the Bridge of Evil zone.
- Abigail Cleese
- Anne Knolles
- Benjamin Judd (after rescuing him three times)
- Dominique Baldwin
- Harry Benson
- Johannes
- Lindsay Blair
- Susie Quinn
- Adversity Ring (from Benjamin)
- Gebel's Glasses (chest in Johannes' workshop once all non-DLC shards are collected)
- Small Webbing ×3 - Given by Johannes at his workshop.
- Melting Bone ×3 - Given by Johannes at his workshop.
- Iron ×4 - Given by Johannes at his workshop.
- Bronze ×4 - Given by Johannes at his workshop.
- 8-bit Coin ×1 - Obtained from a chest in a hidden room via breakable wall. The room is next to the save room and is accessed through a tunnel beneath the town and castle.
- HP Max Up - At the castle's entrance, flick the switch to lower the drawbridge, then flick it again, jump onto the rising bridge, and jump on the offscreen roof to the right to reach it.
- MP Max Up - At the castle's entrance, flick the switch to lower the drawbridge, then flick it again, jump onto the rising bridge, and jump on the offscreen roof to the right to reach it.
Key items[]
- Village Key (from Dominique at start of game)
- Identification (bring Silver Bromide to Dominique)
In other modes[]
In Zangetsu's and Bloodless's campaigns, Arvantville is empty of human characters. Bloodless comments on their absence when she steps into the house with the underground shop, but Zangetsu does not. Bloodless instead finds the Guillotine Umbrella in what would be Dominique's room, and a shard of Blood of Faith where Johannes would be. In Aurora's campaign, the only human in Arvantville is Johannes, who helps her and gives her the Village Key in Dominique's place.
Bloodless Mode[]
Blood Shards[]
- The overrun village of Arvantville apparently is a reference to the town of Aljiba in Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, where a similar ruined and burning town appears as that game's first main stage.
- Aljiba in turn is based on the villages from Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, with Rondo of Bloodʼs Aljiba apparently being an updated version of Simon's Quest's town of Jova, instead of its own version of Aljiba.
- When approaching Gebel's castle, the player must walk in front of some dead trees with several crows sitting on their branches; as the player passes by, the flock will fly away. This scene is reminiscent of the entrance of the Forest of Doom stage in Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, where a similar tree with crows appears and these take flight in a similar manner.
External links[]
- 100% Map Exploration for the Cartographer Achievement by πth0n at Steam - Source of the map.
- Bloodstained Ritual of the Night Development Update 8
- 1st Update of January 2017
- Bloodstained Ritual of the Night PC Beta Demo Full Playthrough All Secrets and Full Map 720p
- Bloodstained | Cutscene: Miriam Arrives in Arvantville