Bloodstained Wiki

An improvised risotto made with apple and rice. Surprisingly good.

Apple Risotto is a Food in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Apple Risotto is prepared through Johannes' alchemy menu in Arvantville, requiring Rice ×3, Apple ×3, Halite ×1, and Black Pepper ×1. Rice is gotten in sets of 10 by growing Rice Seeds, while Halite is an extremely cheap store-bought ingredient.

The other two ingredients, Black Pepper and Apple, are what make Apple Risotto a meal that can only be prepared at around the midpoint of the game. The Black Pepper is introduced as a random collectable in the two blue chests at the Underground Sorcery Lab. Once you have gotten the Reflector Ray from the Bathin boss in the lab, one of the areas of the castle that opens up is the upper reaches of Dian Cécht Cathedral, which is where the Apple-dropping Ocypete enemy is introduced.

Once one Apple Risotto has been prepared, duplicates of it can be bought for 1,180G.


Apple Risotto is a food consumable restoring 295 HP whenever used and giving a permanent bonus of +40 HP when first eaten. It is 18% more restorative and expensive than the High Potion, while avoiding the 5-carry cap of the High Potion itself.

Apple Risotto is also required for Susie's seventeenth quest as "Risotto", with a Demon Necklace as a reward.
