Bloodstained Wiki

A pie with an apple slice filling that gives it a subtle sweetness.

The Apple Pie is a Food item in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


Apple Pie is prepared through Johannes' alchemy menu in Arvantville, requiring 2 Apples, 1 Sugar, 3 Cinnamon, and 2 Pie Dough, and no Recipe Book is required. After Apple Pie is first prepared, it will be sold at Dominique's supply post for 1,280G.

Apples drop from Ocypete (8%) in the upper, later portions of Dian Cécht Cathedral, and they are the only ingredient involved in any stage of an Apple Pie's creation that neither starts out purchasable nor gets added to Dominique's store at some point. Both the one Sugar and each of the three Cinnamons you need cost 100G, for a total of 400G on their account.

Pie Dough is a complex intermediary crafted ingredient that appears on the store for 400G each after you have crafted it at least once using one 200G Flour, one 150G Butter, and one 400G Cookies. Both Butter and Cookies only get added after being separately crafted for the first time, the former taking one 198G Milk and one 50G Halite and the latter being an actual standalone meal taking 1 Flour of its own, 1 Butter of its own, 1 Sugar of its own, and a 100G Egg. Cookies also requires Cookies/R to be found in Forbidden Underground Waterway after getting Double Jump in early Livre Ex Machina roughly one third to the game.

The Ocypete that drops the Apples, the "last-collected ingredient," can be reached in the Cathedral zone once you unlock the "official" Reflector Ray-based means of getting into the upper reaches of the zone roughly halfway into the game. However, if you are sequence-breaking, Double Jump is all you truly need to prepare an Apple Pie because you can Double-Jump-kick off lanterns near the Reflector Ray panels to reach the upper levels where the Ocypete lurks.


Apple Pie is a food consumable, restoring 320 HP whenever used and giving a permanent bonus of +1 INT and +1 LCK (identical to the Lemon Cream Pie) when first eaten. It costs and restores 28% more than the High Potion, and because it is a meal, up to 99 of it can be carried at a time.
